Yassou!! I'm sorry for going MIA, I forgot to let you guys know that I went to Greece! I was traveling around for 11 days and visited Athens and the Islands of Santorini, Mykonos and Ios. I plan to make it up to you by posting pictures... O:-) Unfortunately, my camera broke right when I arrived in Mykonos....its supposed to be "waterproof"..guess NOT. Olympus will definitely be getting an angry angry call. -_-
Anyways, a special thanks to my awesome Roomies April and Teresa; they took pics of food for me :)
So I guess I'll post my pictures as a 9 part series - each day's worth of food on my trip (I only have pics from Athens and Santorini as of now)
Night of Arrival in Glyfada:
Dinner at Rigani in Glyfada - my First and MOST deilcious Gyros. I got the mixed meat - Pita bread filled with onions, tomatos, meat, tatziki and french fries.
First Day in Athens:
Lunch: #1Stuffed Grape Leaves or Vine Leaves , #2 Rabbit...yes, and it was DELICIOUS!!!

#1 Pistaccio Ice cream!!!!!!!! SO GOOD!! #2 Lu Cafe in Athens: coffee with ICE CREAM!!
Location: Taverna Peristeria - Athens
This was by far my favorite place to eat Moussaka!!! My roomies April, Teresa and I asked a local where a great non-touristy place to eat was. We were brought to TAverna Peristeria. I recommend coming here if you ever go to Athens. The owner doesn't speak any english but I got away with "Yassou" hello, "Ti Kanis?" how are you?, and "poli kala!!!" very good!! accompanied by a thumbs up.

#1 Greek Salad ( they don't use lettuce) #2 Moussaka (closest thing i can compare it to is shepards pie, but better!) #3 Free Dessert!! - almost like a light pound cake with a sweet syrup!
Us in front of the Restaruant:
Efharisto Ellada!!!! (Thank You Greece!!)